Want to WATCH the TV News?

Over ten years ago we started with radio news.

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We’ve spent HUNDREDS of hours sourcing hourly, daily, and live radio news for you so you can just press play and listen to headline from around the world in English.

BUT sometimes you might be craving video. In fact, for those who remember the shortwave era, today all audio in general is secondary investment wise for “world services” or “external services.” Many more countries produce video to share their news, culture, and perspectives for global audiences.

So here are our tips for super world news junkies:

  1. Install the TV News App on Android or the TV News Channel app on iOS.
  2. Set Favorites during the set up.
  3. Go to the ALL section and use the bottom filters. On the bottom left is “Region.” Buried in there is the option called “World Services.” Select it. Then on the right choose English or the Language or interest.
  4. Favorite a bunch of channels. From Mongolia and Thailand to Ukraine and France, you’ll find daily news in English.
  5. When you open the app “YOUR MIX” will show you the NEW video from the last 8 hours just from your Favs. Use the filters on the bottom to increase the number of videos per channel to 5 and the time frame up to 48 hours.

Like our 1 Radio News app, our focus is squarely on NEW news from quality sources.

Oh, our TV News App has nearly 3,000 channels in 100 languages from most countries. We dig deep into YouTube and leverage their API and terms of services to bring what’s buried and fresh from just minutes ago to you.